I needed to test my SQL implementation script that was a part of big SQL Server Data Warehouse release. For anybody who have ever done large SQL implementation fundamental question is always “Have I scripted everything that is needed?”. So how to check if your implementation script contains all objects you require? Here is a few steps that helped me:
- Collate all individual scripts into one or more implementation script (I recommend having one script per development, but it always depends on circumstances).
- Order your scripts so you know the sequence of running them. This is specifically important if there is dependency between objects created by different scripts.
- Create backout script for each implementation one and order them as well.
- Drop all objects that come into release. “How to drop all schema objects in one go?” – this is where it turns out to be priceless to have DBA in your team:
declare @schema varchar(200) select @schema = 'MySchema' select 'DROP ' + case when o.xtype = 'U' then 'TABLE' when o.xtype = 'V' then 'VIEW' when o.xtype = 'P' then 'PROCEDURE' when o.xtype = 'FN' then 'FUNCTION' end + ' ' + s.name + '.' + o.name as SQL from sys.sysobjects as o join sys.schemas as s on o.uid = s.schema_id where s.name = @schema and o.xtype in ('U','V','P','FN') union all select 'DROP SCHEMA ' + @schema
This will give you DROP statement for each table, view, stored procedure and user defined function in your schema, as well as schema itself. Just grab whichever statement you need and execute it!
Thanks for the script. Only one issue i found is that the line
join sys.schemas as s on s.uid = s.schema_id
should be
join sys.schemas as s on o.uid = s.schema_id
for the join to work properly.
Well spotted anders, many thanks for your comment.
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